Since our visits last summer we’ve been keeping busy behind the scenes! Ilja, Anne and Jenn have been going through all of the wonderful video interviews that we recorded in Kyuquot and Alaska. First we transcribed all of the interviews and then went back and edited all the video footage (thanks to the amazing Ilja Herb!) to generate new short videos to add to the Video Room. We’re just working on finishing these new video clips (some examples below) and will upload them onto the website soon!
Ilja is also an amazing photographer. He has taken beautiful photographs of many of the people we have spoken with on our travels, and these now feature on our homepage! Hover over the photos and you can read some of the amazing quotes of knowledge people shared with us.
Jenn has also been busy transcribing and starting to analyze all of the data from the survey that she did with community members in the summer. In total she did 77 survey interviews across three communities. These are two of the main questions she’ll be seeking to answer with this survey data. Stay tuned!